Title Ideas

I have played with multiple ideas for the title of my short film idea. As my short film focuses on mental health problems and awareness, I wanted to ensure my title somehow related to either depression, anxiety or mental health in general. I felt by having this within my chosen title may help the overall perception. However, I don't want something overly obvious to the audience as it could potentially be viewed in the wrong light.

By narrowing down my ideas to 4 different titles it has allowed me to further look into the meaning of each. Out of these 4 one will be the title of my short film

The first title I initially thought about was ‘breathe’. I thought by having a simple one word title injects more of an impact on the audience. Breathe relates to anxiety which is one of the mental health issues my protagonist suffers with, therefore makes sense to use this for a title chose. It could also relate to the ending on my piece in which my character is able to realise that things can get better and that the emotions she is feeling can be controlled. Although, this title could work within my short film, I believe this could easily be mistaken for a horror film title. There have been similar titles used for these and I do not want these to get confused.

The meaning behind the name Lola is sadness and sorrow which initially relates to the feelings that mental health can give someone. As my character suffers with both anxiety and depression, this is a common emotion felt by her and shown within my piece. I feel as if having a name as my title it will let the audience make a connection between the title and a character within my short film. Lola would be the name of the protagonist's sister who died in an accident. She is almost seen as the figure of her sisters depression, therefore relates to both mental health and something physically in my storyline.

Day 17-
With mental health, people experiences vary in length therefore by having a number of days related in the title illustrates this. Although day 17 wouldn’t be the end of the cycle of the protagonist, it marks the end of the worst. This showing the problems she faces can get better. It also could potentially relate to how many days it took for the character to face the reality that her sister has gone and that nothing can be changed, therefore life must go on, even if it is not easy at first.

‘Blink’ was the last idea that I decided to include in my top 4. Although, this is not one of my favourites it makes sense in terms of the storyline I portray in my short film. Blink relates to re-framing which is a technique I use towards the end of my story. It shows that things can change in the blink of an eye and that although you try to change it, things stay the same. Again, similar to breathe, I believe that this title could also be mistaken for a horror film title.


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