Magazine review page analysis #3

The last review page I am using is from Total film.

The main focal photo on the magazine is placed on the left side which throughout my research I have found is uncommon. This photo is very eye catching to an audience member due to the use of the main character and the 3D effect. This also connotes a lot about the narrative, it almost looks magic which represents what is included in the film. A second image is included in this which shows the behind the scenes of the film. Although commonly these are not shown, it makes the review more personal. By seeing the behind the scenes, the audience commonly feel more involved with the film as well which could potentially encourage them to watch the film. The length of the review is long enough to give insight to the film and the overall review however no clear large title is given regarding the name of the film. ‘Fantastic beasts’ is written above the page with the body of texts, although its noticable it doesn't stand out as much as it should consider the review is about this film. ‘Spirited away’ is the focal text on the page and personally I don't not understand the connection therefore this may confuse other audience members. Above the main body of text, a small section is used to to give extra information to the audience such as the actors, director etc which is commonly seen throughout review pages. In this particular review page I believe the film is very well represented due to the use of images and text used throughout. Compared to other magazine review pages, the overall look of this one is fairly simple. White and black are the only two main colour which appear, however this gives quite a professional and classy appeal to the magazine. This also allows the colour to appear more vibrant in the photos which draws more attention to the screenshot images.
