Ethical considerations

When producing a media product, certain ethical factors have to taken into account.

Accurate representations/facts -
As I have decided to focus on mental health it is incredibly important that the way I decide to represent it within my short film is accurate. This due to the subject being sensitive as well as being significant in society. The view on mental health should not be glamorized or distraught do in order to give the audience the wrong perception.

Many restrictions are put on media products due to certain factors that it could contain. Bad language should not be used unless absolutely needed in a scene, sexual content and extreme violence should also be kept to a minimal or not at all depending on any age restrictions the film may have. For my short film, both sexual contact and extreme violence will non existent as this is not suitable for the type of film I have decided to do.

When using my chosen actors, I need to ensure that they are not forced to do anything that they do not want to. As well as making sure they are always in a safe situation. I would not want to put my actors into any danger


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