Short film deconstruction #2

The second short film I decided to deconstruct is called ‘ALONE’. This short film is about a man who lost his son in an accident, who tries to rebuild his life and move forward to overcome his death.

Out of the 3 deconstructions, this is the shortest of them all. This is only 2 minutes and 40 seconds compared to ‘a social life’ which is nearly 5 minutes shorter. I believe by this being so short, it is harder to create such a big impact on the audience as there is such a small space to do it in. The way in which this particular short film has been short is very raw and realistic. This is made up of mainly short clips relating to the protagonist and his life both before and after the death of his son. Around 0.55 seconds into the short film, a flashback is used to bring the attention of the audience to his life with his son. The director of this decided to include a shot of the man and his son playing around outside which plays on the viewer's emotions automatically. For me personally I began to feel quite upset with the idea that his son has gone and by showing scenes including this allowed me to greatly sympathise with the man. The isn’t much use of longer shots mainly due to the length of the entire film, however  the short ones add a sense chaos which could represent the protagonists life without his son. Close ups were constantly used throughout which affected the continuity. In order for the scenes to run more smoothly, in my opinion certain shots should be elongated and have a variety camera shots. Mise-en-scene seems to play a significant part within this short film. A prop was used in order to symbolise the son, this being a football. Although it was simple it was able to make an impact on the viewer as this is what we connected the young male too. Within ‘ALONE’ no dialogue was used which has seen to be fairly common in drama short films. Therefore little diegetic sound was incorporated, mainly non-diegetic was used which consisted of two to three different soundtracks, both being very dramatic and sad sounding. By using only music as a form of sound in the film, again allowed the audiences emotions to played with as it adds to the initial idea that the story is of an unhappy nature. The only diegetic sound within the film was the keys opening the door and the sound of the football hitting against the floor. As the football was used as a symbol for his son, it made sense to add a sound which triggered the protagonists memories.
All locations were also very realistic which added to the affect the entire story had on me.

As this film was so short, I found it difficult to be completely satisfied with the storyline. I wish it was extended to show more emotion of the father in order to highlight the relationship they had. However, I enjoyed the use of the flashback showing a short clip of them together and the sound used added to my own emotion and helped me to sympathise more for the protagonist


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