Primary Research

From conducting my audience theory research, it has allowed me to gain greater understanding about my audience. I have created a questionnaire in order to pick a clear target audience for my product and as my genre is also undecided I included a question to see what genre was most popular locally as these are the people who will most likely view my short film production.
I wanted to ensure that my questionnaire was simple and only included questions relevant to my final product and ancillary tasks.
These were the questions I presented:
What gender are you?
What is your preferred genre?
Do you think genre is a key aspect to why you watch a certain film?
What attracts you to watching a film?
Which poster do you find most attractive? (Posters listed below)
Do you often watch short films?
If so, on what platforms?

 One of my questions asked the age range of the particular person filling out their answers. These 8 questions were given to range of my friends who were of the ages 16-20+. Although this wasn’t able to give me a variety of age range opinions, I knew it was suitable to my product as I wanted to aim my production at a similar age as myself.

What gender are you?
Under half of my responses were made by males. I wanted to find out the genders of the people who filled out my questionnaire to compare their interests in film and work out if what I want to produce will fit both the likes of male and female not just one gender. Ideally, having more males to fill out my questions would of provided a equal result. However, this has worked in my favour reviewing my responses as my now chosen genre fits more towards females.

What is your preferred genre?
7 out of the 15 responses concluded that drama was their favourite genre. Action and horror closely followed after which allowed me to narrow down my choice to 3 types.
I made the final decision to produce a short film in the drama genre down to my own personal preference in films and that it had the majority vote out of all genres that could've been chosen. I feel by choosing drama as my genre, i will be able to perform better than created a horror movie as this is not a common interest and I’m not as familiar with the conventions. By most of my responses being drama, it gave a clear indicator that females in general don’t enjoy ‘scarier’ movies.

Do you think genre is a key aspect to why you watch a certain film?
13 responses said yes to thinking that genre was a key aspect to why they watch a certain film. This indicates that I need to ensure that I pick the correct genre to pitch to a local audience. As well as showing that a younger audience subverts the stereotype of being more open minded as most answered that genre was key to why the view certain films, therefore this illustrates that they are less likely to broaden their choice when choosing a film to watch.

What attracts you to watching a film?
I gave 6 different choices when it came to this question. These were:
Actors,storyline and genre were the top 3 responses to this question, all receiving similar amount of votes. People were able to tick more than one box on this question, so many people chose these as their 3. By many people ticking genre, it relates to the above question showing that genre is important to audiences. Actors also being a significant aspect demonstrates that many people will watch films based on who is featured within. Most likely people will watch a film with stars their favourite actor or idol. As younger people filled this out, it shows that in society today, celebrity’s play such a huge role in their life and choices. Unfortunately, as I’m creating a short film actors usually are less known than in bigger productions, therefore this will not be something I try focus on too much. However, I want to use actors which are interesting to watch and relatable for my audience.

Which poster do you find most attractive?

I picked three movie posters that I personally found visually appealing and asked people to pick the one that they found most attractive and drawn too. After looking through all the responses, the ‘Joy’ poster was circled the most times. ‘The girl with the dragon tattoo’ was also liked a lot amongst the people who filled in my questionnaire. This question was the only question I included that didn’t link to my short film production but was related to one of my ancillary tasks being a poster. I felt included this would give me guideline to what would attract my audience.

Do your often view short films?
10 out of the 15 responses were answered yes. Which is a larger number than I expected. This shows that short films are now far more popular than they use to be among younger audiences.

If so, on what platforms?
Most people answered with YouTube. YouTube is a very popular social media site used by many young and upcoming creators and producers. YouTube is great platform to distribute short films as they can be easily viewed and shared amongst many people. One person replied with Facebook and another with sky. I think by using YouTube as the platform to distribute my short film will be the best decision as it is the most commonly used platform and by using this, I can reach a wider audience who also enjoy the drama genre


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