Contingency Plan

A contingency needs to be created in order to prepare for any possible events that may occur during the time of filming. It is essential to create a contingency by planning in advance to ensure that no further time is wasted trying to figure out a solution to the event. By doing this it can still allow us to film successfully.

Unexpected weather:

There is medium possibility of unexpected weather occurring on the days that I film.
As the majority of my short film includes using the indoor space, this shouldn’t be a major problem. However, one location towards the end of my film is outside, although light rain would not be ideal, it wouldn’t have extreme effect on the outcome of the scene as it may even add dramatics due to the my chosen plot. If the weather was extreme, a alternate day would have to be arranged in order to film that specific scene. The day would preferably be close to the original day. The weather may also damage equipment used which has to be considered when decided to film.

Unreliable actors (dropping out):

The possibility of this occurring is low as i’ve chosen two actors which I know will be reliable and will keep to any dates that are arranged. If one was to drop out for a specific reason, I would have other options for actors available, however this should not be necessary due to the two people I have chosen.

Equipment fail:

Equipment fail would include items such as my camera, sd card etc. Fortunately, extras cameras are available to me both at home and through school. Therefore, if mine was to break or not work on the day, there would be other options to use.
If my SD card was to fail, I would also be able to use a spare one from home. The only major problem regarding the two of these would be that footage could potentially be lost. The probability of this occurring is medium .

Actors being late:

Similar to the above unreliable actors contingency, the probability of occurring is also low due to the two people I have chosen to be in my film. If either of them were to be late, the would inform me to know before hand to ensure that I knew. If this was to occur, the day would just have to be slightly more compact in order to get the needed shots filmed. Or I would check whether the day could be extended in order to get these done.

Noisy location:

The probability of a noisy location is also low as the majority of filming will be done within my house. The location my house is at is also fairly quiet, therefore this should not be a major problem. However, when the outside location is used, there may be certain points of noise made by oncoming cars, although this would not be a significant problem as it could potentially add to the realism the drama genre is based around. If this was to occur and it became too noisy, another day may have to be arranged or we would just have to wait until it was fairly quiet to continue filming. I could also attempt to use editing to minimise background noise if it was necessary.

Corrupted footage:

Corrupted footage has a medium possibility of occurring. This could most likely occur during the uploading of footage onto a computer or laptop. If this was to occur, there isn't much I could do in order to fix it. I would have to re-arrange a day to re-film the clips I lost, which would affect my time management however this would need to be done


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