Why is audience important

Any media text is constructed with the audience in mind yet sometimes a certain text tries to construct a completely new audience. These texts are constructed by people who themselves are apart of a particular audience.
The idea of the audience is a way of trying to think about a group of individuals in one go. 

what is an audience:
  • you
  • target market
  • members of society 
  • people who use media to satisfy own needs
there are so many aspects that make up an audience. Without the audience, a media text would not have any chance at success. It is such a significant part of researching when creating a media product. 

There is a wide set view that audiences are 'couch potatoes' which has evolved into the view that the producers and audiences have now merged to become one on platforms such as YouTube. 
The audience is a set of individual readers who can actively make their own meanings from a piece of media text. Being apart of an audience is something you do rather than what you are.

Audience research tries to produce evidence between the media and audience. It is extremely important to find the 'right' audience for the media product in order to create an interest for the individuals who view, read or watch the product. Effective communication strategies also can be selected when identifying the target audience. the target audience is a set of individuals sharing similar needs or characters.

When a company has selected their target audience it is important that they way the convey their message through media texts is suitable and relevant without causing any negative effect. If this is not considered when planning and researching into a specific product, it can have a bad effect on a companies image or reputation having massive impact on the audience that follow and support the brand or company.

Recently, the brand dove had released an advert regarding their new body lotion which quickly got spread around by the media by many individuals who were disgusted with the way it had portrayed the black female staring in the ad.

Image result for dove advert

My initial thoughts:
When first glancing at this advert on twitter my thoughts went straight to the idea that the company was clearly being discriminating against the black women's skin colour. I did not think much further into the ad until we examined it within class and added light to the situation. when viewing the advert for the second time around and for a longer period of time, it gave off the impression that being white was better than being black. As the product is a body lotion, it also appears to imply that the black women is 'dirty' and the white women is pure. Clearly, as a brand, Dove did not think through the idea of the campaign and broadcasted it with the aim to target young audiences, as expected they wanted a positive response but in return they got major backlash. With knowing Dove's company background, I believe this was indirect discrimination against the women, however, the idea of the advert should of been examined before distribution and looked at from a different angle. Adverts such as these could potentially lead to more casual racism in society.

ASA- advertising standard agency is a company in which you can report offensive content to. This being similar to how the media has set guidelines to what is allowed within films and if seen will be removed.


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